About Me

Some frequently asked questions and other bits about my life to get to know me better.

Why did you build such a beautiful website?

As a product developer design is very important and having a platform on the internet outside of social media is important for everyone hence, this page. Also as you are here why not let me know what you think!

Are you currently looking for a new job?

I am always open to a discussion about new opportunities but am currently happy with where I am working and would need to be a really exciting opportunity to sway me.

Why did you move to Canada?

I moved to Canada because I wanted to be closer to my partner and her family. Since moving to Canada, I have been enjoying exploring the local communities and experiencing all that this great country has to offer. I believe that my move to Canada has enriched my life both personally and professionally.

What do you do outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy a variety of activities. I love taking my dog for long walks and exploring the city and the natural areas around it. Spending time with my partner is also important to me, whether it's trying out new restaurants or simply hanging out at home. I also enjoy engaging in online discussions about politics and philosophy, as I find it intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking. And on occasion, I like to unwind by playing some video games.

How do you stay organised?

Two popular methods I use for staying organized are Kanban and zettelkasten. Kanban is a visual project management tool that uses cards to represent tasks and tracks progress. Zettelkasten is a note-taking method that creates an interconnected system of notes. To stay organized, you could use Kanban to manage tasks and projects, while using zettelkasten to capture and organize related ideas and notes. The key is to find a method that works for you and use it consistently to stay focused and meet deadlines.

What kind of dog do you have?

This is a great question and I'm glad you are interested. He is a Terrier-Chihuahua mutt called Monty and if you want to see more check out his Instagram @Monty.zooms